Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Hen night UK

Hen Night London

What is the difference between hen party and hen night? Usually people in UK use both phrases meaning the same, however it should be considered as two different types of venues. There is also another two hen party activity types - hen do and hen weekend.

Hen party is a single party held somewhere in the bar, village house or regular flat in the London suburbs. The party involves regular party activities - drinks, laugh, loud music, dance (both on the dancefloor and pole if allowed by security guys). Parties can be held privately or in public places such as bar, night club, cafe etc. During the party you can grab some snacks as you have a table nearby in the same facility.

Hen night is the same just pointing to wide rage of party-like activities. Hen night is usually referred to when speaking about the action taken in time. Usually hen nights begin in midday and end in the next morning. The Hen night can include a few hen do’s and parties, but it must last no longer than 24 hours otherwise it should be called “hen weekend”.

Hen do is a simple attraction for hen night participants. For example a 2 hour Spa course or Hen party in Army event is a simple hen do. During the hen night there can be several hen dos - hanging-up strangers, disclaiming the oath, music video filming, photo session, paintball etc. Usually they are associated with hen themes - the costumes or roles the participants of the party are playing - pirates, movie stars, soldiers, nurses, angels and devils and hundreds more.

If the party lasts longer than 24 hours, it should be called hen weekend. Usually it starts on Friday and lasts all Saturday. It may end even on Sunday. That would be a long hen weekend. During the such weekend the participants - maid and her maids and best friends - usually have at least 2 hen parties and lots of various hen do’s. Here are some ideas about 2 day hen weekends.

Anyway, all the hen activities are crazy, funny, sexy and relaxing as this is the last days of freedom of a future wed.


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  6. Seems really interesting! I am thinking to use this idea for my Hens party. Thanks for the idea and inspiration. We have booked one of iconic Malibu wedding venues for our big day. Really excited to tie the knot there.


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