Flying is the oldest dream of a human. From ancient times people tried to lift their body over the trees and lands and to see the world from the bird’s fly. 150 years ago this dream came true. Now we can fly to space, not speaking about small aircraft for entertainment.
Let you bride-to-be feel the real freedom and fly high into the sky. I mean doing that directly, not using some drugs or imagination. Just arrange a couple of venues in the air.
Parachute. Parachuting is not simple venue. It is a whole day training where you get the full instructions how and what to do. In the end of the day you can jump out from the flying plain. Of course you will not feel a free flight, because the parachute rope is attached to a plane and it is immediately open once you jump out of the plane. If you want to feel the free fall for a few second, you can choose an option to jump with instructor firmly tied to his parachute.If you would like to jump on your own you need to pass the training.

It may take few days, therefore it is not good for a single hen party. Sky diving is really extreme way of celebrating hen party, but it will be remembered by all participants.
Hot air balloon. Hot air balloon is another option when you can fly over the land and see the surroundings. The problem is that balloon’s pit can take only 2-3 people most, so this attraction is only for a bride-to-be. Also it is quite expensive.
Paragliding and paramotoring. That’s a really extreme sports as you can fly with instructor who has a parachute and propeller on his back. If paragliding is just flying with the wind, paramotoring is a more complicating activity where motor is involved.
Small aircraft flight. There are some small planes which are privately owned by pilots. Usually they are used for overview flights and some informational message pulling in the air. This aircraft can take one person only, so you can make an unforgettable hen party venue for the bride-to-be.
The mentioned venues are great for a couple of hours, but they are expensive. It is much cheapier to buy some real aircraft tickets to any country and fly over the weekend. You can find some directions in low fares carriers websites such as EasyJet or Ryanair.
The hen party in the sky will be an impressive way to celebrate the last day of freedom.
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